Ram Frost, Ph.D.

Ram Frost's picture
Senior Scientist Haskins Laboratories, Professor of Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Hebrew University of Jerusalem



Senior Scientist, Haskins Laboratories
Professor of Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Research Interests

Cognitive processes involved in visual word recognition

General Research

My research focuses on the cognitive processes involved in visual word cognition, investigating what is universal in the reading process across diverse languages, and what aspects of reading are unique to each language’s orthographic and morphological system. My previous work focused on the orthographic depth hypothesis, and the strong phonological theory of reading. Presently, I am involved in a comprehensive investigation of morphological processing in Hebrew and how Hebrew is learnt as a second language. This involves various experimental paradigms such as masked priming, parafoveal presentation, and brain imaging. Most of my research work is pursued in collaboration with Haskins Laboratories in New Haven.

Representative Publications

Frost, R. Cross-linguistic differences in normal and dyslexic reading. From behavioral data to the brain. Invited speaker at the OECD meeting, Helsinki, Finland, September 2007.

Frost, R. From orthographic depth to morphological depth. Invited speaker at the Institute of Cognitive neuroscience, National Central University, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2008.

Frost, R., & Velan, H. Processing morphologically complex and morphologically simple words in Hebrew. Evidence for two independent lexical systems. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, November 2008.

Frost, R. Towards an ecological theory of visual word recognition. Invited speaker at the Basque Center for Brain and Language, San Sebastian, Spain, May 2010.

Frost, R., Narkiss, A., Velan H., & Deutsch, A. Learning to read Hebrew as a second language: Acquiring “Semitic” markers of reading. Paper presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Saint Louis, November 2010.