Child Language Studies Lab
At Child Language Studies, we are interested in language development, including talking, listening, and written language. Our studies involve a range of ages, abilities, and research methodologies. All information is confidential. We do not share or sell our contact information with any businesses or outside agencies.
We currently have several ongoing studies:
Language and Early Assessment Research Network (LEARN)
We are studying the development of speech perception and production in children 2 years of age. This includes children with typically developing speech and language, as well as children who are “late talkers” (using few words). We use standardized clinical tests, in addition to measures of eye movement, mouth movement and brain function, to study language. The study takes 2-3 visits and families are reimbursed for their time. Learn more.
Listening to Faces
We are studying speech perception in children ages 7-10 with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), developmental speech-language disorders, as well as children with typically developing speech and language. Children participate in 2 sessions involving standardized measures of speech and language, as well as EEG.
Families are reimbursed for their time.
Learn more:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Speech-Language Difficulties
y on Speech Production and the Brain: Children ages 9-14
What is the study about?
The study will test how the brain responds to speech, and how children adapt their speech to auditory feedback.
Who is eligible?
Children ages 9 – 14 years with no history of speech or language problems
What will happen?
Children will participate in one session lasting about 2.5 hours. Children will be audio recorded when the talk as they identify pictures and repeat sentences. They will also wear a cap that measures brain activity (EEG), and will speak words into a microphone while wearing headphones at Haskins Laboratories. We will reimburse families $10 per half hour for their time.
Who do I contact for more information?
Parents can contact Dr. Julia Irwin, PhD (203.865.6163, x311) or email.
Yale Reading Center
The Yale Reading Center is committed to conducting significant research on reading and reading disabilities that may someday benefit all children who struggle with reading. Through our various research projects, we hope to further our understanding of dyslexia and of the brain pathways used in reading.