Fowler & Shankweiler Oral History interviews

Compiled by Carol Fowler and Donald Shankweiler.

Transcripts and oral histories from: Alan Cooper, Alice Dadourian, Arthur Abramson, Carol Fowler, Craig Cooper, Donald Shankweiler, Katherine Harris, Len Katz, Lloyd Morrisett, Maxine Singer, Michael Studdert-Kennedy, Michael Turvey, Philip Rubin, Cyrus Bacchi, Stuart L. Marcus and Nigel Yarlett.

Transcriptions (.pdf)


Oral History (.mp3)

Arthur Abramson ASA Oral History 1

ASA Oral History 2
Freddie Bell-Berti Bell-Berti 1
Alan Cooper Alan Cooper 1

Alan Cooper 2
Craig Cooper Craig Cooper 1

Craig Cooper 2
Alice Dadourian Alice Dadourian 1

Alice Dadourian 2

Alice Dadourian 3
Carol Fowler Carol Fowler 1

Carol Fowler 2
Katherine Harris Katherine Harris 1

Katherine Harris 2

Katherine Harris 3
Len Katz Len Katz 1

Len Katz 2
Lloyd Morrisett Lloyd Morrisett 1
Philip Rubin Philip Rubin 1

Philip Rubin 2

Philip Rubin 3

Philip Rubin 4
Donald Shankweiler Donald Shankweiler 1

Donald Shankweiler 2

Donald Shankweiler 3
Maxine Singer Maxine Singer 1
Michael Studdert-Kennedy Michael Studdert-Kennedy 1

Michael Studdert-Kennedy 2

Michael Studdert-Kennedy 3

Michael Studdert-Kennedy 4
Michael Turvey Michael Turvey 1

Michael Turvey 2

Michael Turvey 3

Michael Turvey 4
Cyrus Bacchi, Stuart L. Marcus and Nigel Yarlett Bacchi, Marcus and Yarlett 1

Bacchi, Marcus and Yarlett 2

Bacchi, Marcus and Yarlett 3