Mark Van Den Bunt, Ph.D.

Mark Van Den Bunt's picture
Senior Research Consultant at Zilveren Kruis and Research Scientist Haskins Lab




Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Haskins Laboratories


Ph.D. Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud university, The Netherlands
M.Sc. Neuroscience & Cognition, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
M.Sc. Neuropscyhology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Psychology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Research Interests:

My research interests is concerned with how the (neurobiological) organization of speech and reading are related to one another. In particular, is the quality of speech perception and production causally related to reading development. And in turn, how is learning to read shaping the organization of speech. 

Representative Publications: 

Van den Bunt, M.R., Groen, M.A., Frost, S., Lau, A., Preston, J.L., Gracco, V.L., Pugh, K.R., Verhoeven, L. (2018). Sensorimotor control of speech and children’s reading ability. Scientific Studies of Reading, 22(6). 1-14.

Van den Bunt, M.R., Groen, M.A., Ito, T., Francisco, A.A., Gracco, V.L., Pugh, K.R., & Verhoeven, L. (2017). Increased response to altered auditory feedback in dyslexia: A weaker sensorimotor magnet implied in the phonological deficit. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 60(3), 503-516.

Van den Bunt, M.R., Groen, M.A., van der Kleij, S.W., Noordenbos, M.W., Segers, E., Pugh, K.R. & Verhoeven, L. (2018). Deficient response to altered auditory feedback in dyslexia. Developmental Neuropscyhology, 1-20.