David Braze, Ph.D.

David Braze's picture
Senior Scientist (pro bono)



My Work

My research lies at the intesection of language, literacy, and cognition, and their application to education. I have wide experience with behavioral and neurocognitive methods, including standardized cognitive and language assessments, neuroimaging, and eye-tracking. I am always looking for interesting collaborations. Drop me a note if you want to talk about working together.

My responsibilities at Haskins Labs include: program development, project management, grant writing, research design, data monitoring and validation, data analysis, and presentation of research findings to professional and lay audiences.

I also provide consultation to NGOs, government, and industry on matters related to my research interests.

See my website for more information.



Consultant, Intelexia and the Red de Escuelas de Aprendizaje de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Consultant, Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Ed., Dyslexia & Early Literacy Intervention Pilot Program.


Grant Support

PI, Individual Differences in Learning Potential for Language and Literacy [Full Text] [NIH RePORTER]

Investigator, Neurobehavioral Mechanisms in Reading Comprehension [Full Text] [NIH RePORTER]

Investigator, Nature and Acquisition of the Speech Code and Reading (sub-project 6058) [NIH RePORTER]


Past Appointments

Lecturer, Linguistics, Yale University

Adjunct Professor, Linguistics, University of Connecticut

Visiting Professor, Psychology, Trinity College

Adjunct Professor, Psychology, Southern Connecticut State University