Emily Myers, Ph.D.

Emily Myers's picture
Language and Brain Lab, UCONN and Senior Scientist, Haskins Laboratories
University of Connecticut



Assistant Professor
University of Connecticut
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Department of Psychology

Senior Scientist
Haskins Laboratories


850 Bolton Road, Unit 1085
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06268


BA, University of Iowa, 1999
PhD, Brown University, 2005

Research Interests

Research in Emily Myers’ lab focuses on a fundamental question in human behavior: how do we perceive the speech signal in order to map it to meaning?  Through the use of neuroimaging methods (fMRI, ERP) together with standard psycholinguistic measures, we hope to understand both the neural and behavioral mechanisms that underlie this process. We work with unimpaired and language-disordered populations (aphasia, dyslexia) to inform functional models of speech and language processing, and to understand how language processing breaks down

Representative Publications

Earle, F. S., and Myers, E.B. (in press) Sleep and Native Language Interference Affect Non-Native Speech Sound Learning. JEP-HPP

Xie, X., & Myers, E. (2015). The impact of musical training and tone language experience on talker identification. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America137(1), 419.doi:10.1121/1.4904699

Del Tufo SN and Myers EB (2014). Phonemic restoration in developmental dyslexia. Front. Neurosci. 8:134. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00134

Myers, E. B., & Mesite, L. M. (2014). Neural systems underlying perceptual adjustment to non-standard speech tokens. Journal of Memory and Language76, 80–93.doi:10.1016/j.jml.2014.06.00

Myers, E.B., and Swan, K.S. (2012). Effects of category learning on neural sensitivity to non-native phonetic categories.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(8), 1695-708.

Complete list of published work:


Supported Grants

Research Funding- A40

My la​b website:
