
Also, click HERE to access the Haskins Laboratories Status Report Digital Archive - 1965-1995.

Braze, D., McRoberts, G.W., McDonough, C. (2011)
Early Precursors of Reading-Relevant Phonological Skills
In Explaining Individual Differences in Reading, Theory and Evidence, (Ed.) Brady, S.A., Braze, D., Fowler, C.A., Psychology Press, Vol. 201 (1) pp. 23-41
Braze, D., Mencl, W.E., Tabor, W., Pugh, K.R.,Constable, R.T., Fulbright, R.K., Magnuson, J.S., Van Dyke, J.A. & Shankweiler, D.P. (2011)
Unification of sentence processing via ear and eye: An fMRI study
Cortex, Vol. 47 pp. 416-431
Brunner, J., Ghosh, S., Hoole, P., Matthies, M., Tiede, M. & Perkell, J. (2011)
The Influence of Auditory Acuity on Acoustic Variability and the Use of Motor Equivalence During Adaptation to a Perturbation
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Vol. 54 pp. 727-739
Bundgaard-Nielsen, R.K., Best, C.T., Tyler, M.D. (2011)
Vocabulary size matters: The assimilation of second-language Australian English vowels to first-language Japanese vowel categories
Applied Psycholinguistics, Vol. 32 pp. 51-67
Das, T., Padakannaya, P., Pugh, K.R., Singh, N.C. (2011)
Neuroimaging reveals dual routes to reading in simultaneous proficient readers of two orthographies
NeuroImage, Vol. 54 pp. 1476-1487
Diehl, J.J., Frost, S.J., Mencl, W.E., Pugh, K.R. (2011)
Neuroimaging and the Phonological Deficit Hypothesis
In Explaining Individual Differences in Reading, Theory and Evidence, (Ed.) Brady, S.A., Braze, D., Fowler, C.A., Psychology Press, Vol. 201 (1) pp. 217-237
Ercan-Sencicek, A.G., Davis Wright, N.R, Frost, S.J., Fulbright, R.K., Felsenfeld, S., Hart, L., Landi, N., Mencl, W.E., Sanders, S.J., Pugh, K.R., State, M.W., & Grigorenko, E. (In Press) (2011)
Searching for Potocki-Lupski syndrome phenotype: A patient with language impairment and no autism
Journal Brain & Development, BRADEV-D-11-00218R3,
Feng, Y., Gracco, V.L. & Max, L. (2011)
Integration of auditory and somatosensory error signals in the neural control of speech movements
Journal of Neurophysiol, Vol. 106 pp. 667-679
Fidali, B.C., Poudrier, E., Repp, B.H. (2011)
Detecting perturbations in polyrhythms: effects of complexity and attentional strategies
Psychological Research,
Fowler, C.A. (2011)
How Theories of Phonology May Enhance Understanding of the Role of Phonology in Reading Development and Reading Disability
In Explaining Individual Differences in Reading, Theory and Evidence, (Ed.) Brady, S.A., Braze, D., Fowler, C.A., Psychology Press, Vol. 201 (1) pp. 3-19
Gafos, A., Dye, A. (2011)
Vowel harmony: transparent and opaque vowels
In The Blackwell companion to Phonology, Eds. Marc van Oostendorp, colin J. Ewen, Elizabeth Hume and Keren Rice, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 2164-2189
Galantucci, B. (2011)
The cultural approach to language is ripe, let us expand our options to test it empirically - Commentary on "Modeling the cultural evolution of Language" by Luc Steels
Physics of Life Reviews, Vol. 8 pp. 363-364
Galantucci, B. & Garrod, S. (2011)
Experimental semiotics: a review
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Article 11, Vol. 5 pp. 1-15
Giulivi, S., Whalen, D.H., Goldstein, L.M., Nam, H., Levitt, A.G. (2011)
An Articulatory Phonology Account of Preferred Consonant-Vowel combinations
Language Learning and Development, Vol. 7 pp. 202-225
Gordon, J.B., Levine, R.J., Mazure, C.M., Rubin, P.E., Schaller, B.R., Young, J.L. (2011)
Social Contexts Influence Ethical Considerations of Research
The American Journal of Bioethics, Vol. 11 (5) pp. 24-30
Honorof, D.N. Weihing, J. & Fowler, C.A. (2011)
Articulatory events are imitated under rapid shadowing
Journal of Phonetics, Vol. 39 pp. 18-38
Irwin, J.R., Brancazio, L., Tornatore, L.A. Whalen, D.H. (2011)
Can Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders "Hear" a Speaking Face?
Child Development, pp. 1-7
Irwin, J.R., Frost, S.J., Mencl, W.E., Chen, H., Fowler, C.A. (2011)
Functional activation for imitation of seen and heard speech
Journal of Neurolinguistics, pp. 1-8
Iskarous, K., Shadle, C.H. & Proctor, M.I. (2011)
Articulatory-acoustic kinematics: The production of American English /s/
Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 129 (2) pp. 944-954
Katz, L., Brancazio, L., Irwing, J., Katz, S., Magnuson, J., Whalen, D.H. (2011)
What lexical decision and naming tell us about reading
Reading and Writing,
Koenig, L.L., Fuchs, S., Lucero, J.C. (2011)
Effects of consonant manner and vowel height on intraoral pressure and articulatory contact at voicing offset and onset for voiceless obstruents
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 129 (5) pp. 3233-3244
Kukona, A., Fang, S-Y, Aicher, K.A., Chen, H., Magnuson, J.S. (2011)
The time course of anticipatory constraint integration
Cognition, Vol. 119 pp. 23-42
Kuperman, V., Van Dyke, J.a. (2011)
Individual differences in visual comprehension of morphological complexity
CogSci 2011 Proceedings,
Kuperman, V., Van Dyke, J.a. (2011)
Effects of individual differences in verbal skills on eye-movement patterns during sentence reading
Journal of Memory and Language, Vol. 65 pp. 42-73
Landi, N., Crowley, M.J., Wu, J., Bailey, C.A., Mayers, L.C. (2011)
Deviant ERP response to spoken non-words among adolescents exposed to cocaine in utero
Brian & Language,
Landi, N., Montoya, J., Kober, H., Rutherford, J.J.V., Mencl, W.e., Worhunsky, P.D., Potenza, M.N. & Mayes, L.C. (2011)
Maternal neural responses to infant cries and faces: relationships with substance use
Frontiers in Psychiatry, Vol. 2 pp. 1-13
Long, D.L., Johns, C.L. & Jonathan, E. (2011)
A memory-retrieval view of discourse representation: The recollection and familiarity of text ideas
Language and Cognitive, Processes,
Lucero, J.C., Koenig, L.L., Lourenço, K.G., Ruty, N., & Pelorsen, X. (2011)
A lumped mucosal wave model of the vocal folds revisited: Recent extensions and oscillation hysteresis
Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 129 (3) pp. 1568-1579
Magnuson, J.S., Kukona, A., Braze, D., Johns, C.L., Van Dyke, J.A., Tabor, W., Mencl, W.E., Pugh, K.R., and Shankweiler, D.P. (2011)
Phonological Instability in Young Adult Poor Readers
In Dyslexia Across Languages, Orthography and the Brain-Gene-Behavior Link, (Ed.) McCardle, P., Miller, B., Lee, J.R., Tzeng, O.J.L., Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co, pp. 184-201
McGowan, R.W. & Levitt, A.G. (2011)
A Comparison of Rhythm in English Dialects and Music
Music Perception, Vol. 28 (3) pp. 307-313
Ménard, L. & Noiray, A. (2011)
The development of lingual gestures in speech: Comparing synthesized vocal tracts with natural vowels
Faits de langue, Vol. 37 pp. 189-202
Mirman, D., Yee, E., Blumstein, S.E., Magnuson, J.S. (2011)
Theories of spoken word recognition deficits in Aphasia: Evidence from eye-tracking and computational modeling
Brain & Language, Vol. 117 pp. 53-68
Moreno, M., Stepp, N., Turvey, M.T. (2011)
Whole body lexical decision
Neuroscience Letters, Vol. 490 pp. 126-129
Noiray A., Cathiard M.-A., Ménard, L., & Abry C. (2011)
Test of the Movement Expansion Model: Anticipatory vowel lip protrusion and constriction in French and English speakers
Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 129 (1) pp. 340-349
Palejev, D., Hwang, W., Landi, N., Eastman, M., Frost, S., Fulbright, R., Kidd, J., Kidd, K., mason, G., Mencl, W. E, Yrigollen, C., Pugh, K., Grigorenko, E. (2011)
An Application of the Elastic Net for an Endophenotype Analysis
Behavior Genetics, Vol. 41 pp. 6-30
Preston, J.L. & Koenig, L.L. (2011)
Phonetic variability in residual speech sound disorders: Exploration of subtypes
Top Language Disorders, Vol. 31 (2) pp. 168-184
Preston, J.L. & Seki, A. (2011)
Identifying Residual Speech Sound Disorders in Bilingual Children: A Japanese-English Case Study
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Vol. 20 pp. 73-85
Preston, J.L., Ramsdell, H.L., Oller, D.K., Edwards, M.L., Tobin, S.J. (2011)
Developing a Weighted Measure of Speech Sound Accuracy
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Vol. 54 pp. 1-18
Purdy, M. & Van Dyke, J.A. (2011)
Multimodal Communication Training in Aphasia: A Pilot Study
Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, Vol. 19 (3) pp. 45-53
Repp, B.H. (2011)
Tapping in Synchrony With a Perturbed Metronome: The Phase Correction Response to Small and Large Phase Shifts as a Function of Temp
Journal of Motor Behavior, Vol. 43 (3) pp. 213-227
Repp, B.H. (2011)
No temporal binding of action consequences to actions in a rhythmic context
Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 214 pp. 491-501
Repp, B.H. (2011)
Temporal evolution of the phase correction response in synchronization of taps with perturbed two-interval rhythms
Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 208 pp. 89-101
Repp, B.H. & Goehrke, R.M. (2011)
Music Notation, But Not Action on a Keyboard, Influences Pianists' Judgements of Ambiguous Melodies
Music Perception, Vol. 28 (3) pp. 315-320
Rochet-Capellan, A. and Ostry, D.J. (2011)
Simultaneous Acquisition of Multiple Auditory-Motor Transformations in Speech
The Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 31 (7) pp. 2657-2662
Schultz, A.P., Zou, Y., Marwan, N. & Turvey, M.T. (2011)
Local Minima-Based Recurrence Plots for Continuous Dynamical Systems
International Journal of bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 21 (4) pp. 1065-1075
Shaw, J.A., Gafos, A.I., Hoole, P., Zeroual, C. (2011)
Dynamic invariance in the phonetic expression of syllable structure: a case study of orocca Arabic consonant clusters
Phonology, Vol. 28 pp. 455-490
Shum, M., Shiller, D.M., Baum, S.R., and Gracco, V.L. (2011)
Sensorimotor integration for speech motor learning involves the inferior parietal cortex
European Journal of Neuroscience, pp. 1-6
Skiba, T., Landi, N., Wagner, R. & Grogorenko, E. (2011)
In search of the Perfect Phenotype: An Analysis of Linkage and Association Studies of Reading and Reading-Related Processes
Behavior Genetics, Vol. 41 pp. 120-124
So, C.K., Best, C.T. (2011)
Categorizing Mandarin Tones Into Listener's Native Prosodic Categories: The Role of Phonetic Properties
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, Vol. 47 (1) pp. 133-145
Stepp, N., Chemero,A., Turvey, M.T. (2011)
Philosphy for the Rest of Cognitive Science
Topics in Cognitive Science, Vol. 3 pp. 425-437