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Stevens, K. N., Liberman, A. M., Studdert-Kennedy, M., & Ohman, S. E. G. (1969)
Cross language study of vowel perception
Language and Speech, Vol. 12 pp. 1-23
Gay, T. (1968)
Effect of speaking rate on diphthong formant movements
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 44 pp. 1570-1573
Haggard, M. P. & Mattingly, I. G. (1968)
A simple program for synthesizing British English
IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, Vol. 16 pp. 95-99
Huntington, D., Harris, K. S., & Sholes, G. (1968)
An electromyographic study of consonant articulation in hearing-impaired and normal speakers
Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol. 11 pp. 147-158
Liberman, A. M., Cooper, F. S., Studdert-Kennedy, M., Harris, K. S., & Shankweiler, E. P. (1968)
On the efficiency of speech sounds
Z.F. Phonetik Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, (Slightly revised edition of the above paper.), pp. 21-32
Lieberman, P. (1968)
Primate vocalizations and human linguistic ability
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 44 pp. 1574-1584
Mattingly, I. G. (1968)
Experimental methods for speech synthesis by rule
AU-16, Vol. 1 pp. 198-202
Shankweiler, D., Harris, K., & Taylor, M. L. (1968)
Electromyographic studies of articulation in aphasia
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vol. 49 pp. 1-8
Liberman, A. M., Cooper, F. S., Harris, K. S., MacNeilage, P. F., & Studdert-Kennedy, M. (1967)
Some observations on a model for speech perception
In W. Wathen-Dunn (Ed.), Models for the perception of speech and visual form, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 68-87
Liberman, A. M., Cooper, F. S., Shankweiler, D. P., & Studdert-Kennedy, M. (1967)
Perception of the speech code
Psychological Review, Vol. 74 pp. 431-461
Lindblom, B.E.F., & Studdert-Kenedy, M. (1967)
On the role of formant-transitions in vowel recognition
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 42 pp. 830-843
Lisker, L., & Abramson, A. S. (1967)
Some effects of context on voice onset time in English stops
Language and Speech, Vol. 10 pp. 1-28
MacNeilage, P. F., Rootes, T. P., & Chase, R. A. (1967)
Speech production and perception in a patient with severe impairment of somesthetic perception and motor control
Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol. 10 pp. 449-467
Shankweiler, D., & Studdert-Kennedy, M. (1967)
Identification of consonants and vowels presented to the left and right ears
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol. 19 pp. 59-63
Gaitenby, J. H. (1966)
The machine conversion of print to speech
11th Annual Conference on Linguistics, pp. 114-126
Liberman, A. M., Cooper, F. S., Studdert-Kennedy, M., Harris, K. S., & Shankweiler, D. P. (1966)
Some observations on the efficiency of speech sounds
Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Psychology, Moscow,
Mattingly, I. G. (1966)
Synthesis by rule of prosodic features
Language and Speech, Vol. 9 pp. 1-13
Shankweiler, D. P., & Harris, K. S. (1966)
An experimental approach to the problem of articulation in aphasia
Cortex, Vol. 2 pp. 277-292
Studdert-Kennedy, M. & Cooper, F. S. (1966)
High-performance reading machines for the blind
International Conference on Sensory Devices for the Blind, pp. 317-340
Abramson, A. S., & Lisker, L. (1965)
Voice onset time in stop consonants: Acoustic analysis and synthesis
Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Acoustics, (Paper A51). Liege: Imp. G. Thone,
Cooper, F. S. (1965)
Research techniques and instrumentation: EMG
Proceedings of the Conference: Communicative Problems in Cleft Palate, ASHA Reports, Vol. 1 pp. 153-168
Garding, E. & Abramson, A. S. (1965)
A study of the perception of some American English intonation contours
Studia Linguistica, Vol. XIX pp. 61-79
Harris, K. S., Lysaught, G. S., & Schvey, M. M. (1965)
Some aspects of the production of oral and nasal stops
Language and Speech, Vol. 8 pp. 135-147
Cooper, F. S. (1964)
Instrumental methods for research in phonetics
Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, (Munster, Basel: S. Karger, pp. 142-171
Delattre, P. C., Liberman, A. M., & Cooper, F. S. (1964)
Formant transitions and loci as acoustic correlates of place of articulation in American fricatives
Studia Linguistica, Vol. 16 pp. 104-121
Hadding-Koch, K. & Abramson, A. S. (1964)
Duration versus spectrum in Swedish vowels: Some perceptual experiments
Studia Linguistica, Vol. XVIII pp. 94-107
Hadding-Koch, K. & Studdert-Kennedy, M. (1964)
Intonation contours evaluated by American and Swedish subjects
Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, pp. 326-331
Hadding-Koch, K., & Studdert-Kennedy, M. (1964)
An experimental study of some intonation contours
Phonetica, Vol. 11 pp. 175-185
Harris, K. S., Rosov, R., Cooper, F. S., & Lysaught, G. F. (1964)
A multiple suction electrode system
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 17 pp. 698-700
Holmes, J. N., Mattingly, I. G., & Shearme, J. N. (1964)
Speech synthesis by rule
Language and Speech, Vol. 7 pp. 127-143
Lisker, L. & Abramson, A. S. (1964)
Stop categorization and voice onset time
Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, pp. 389-391
Lisker, L., & Abramson, A. (1964)
A cross-language study of voicing in initial stops: Acoustical measurements
Word, Vol. 20 pp. 384-422
MacNeilage, P. F. (1964)
Typing errors as clues to serial ordering mechanisms in language behavior
Language and Speech, Vol. 7 pp. 144-159
MacNeilage, P. F. & Sholes, G. N. (1964)
An electromyographic study of the tongue during vowel production
Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol. 7 pp. 209-232
Cooper, F. S. (1963)
Speech from stored data
Proceedings of the Institute Electrical and Electronic Engineers,
Hadding-Koch, K. & Studdert-Kennedy, M. (1963)
A study of semantic ad psychological test responses to controlled variations in fundamental frequency
Studia Linguistica, XVII, pp. 65-76
Lisker, L. (1963)
On Hultzen's voiceless lenis stops in prevocalic clusters
Word, Vol. 19 (1) pp. 376-387
MacNeilage, P. (1963)
Electromyographic and acoustic study of the production of certain final clusters
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 35 pp. 461-463
Abramson, A. S. (1962)
The vowels and tones of standard Thai: Acoustical measurements and experiments
Folklore and Linguistics, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Research Center in Anthropology,
Cooper, F. S. (1962)
Speech synthesizers
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Helsinki, 1961, The Hague: Mouton,
Cooper, F. S., Liberman, A. M., Lisker, L., & Gaitenby, J. H. (1962)
Speech synthesis by rules
Proceedings of the Speech Communication Seminar, Stockholm,
Delattre, P. C. (1962)
Le jeu des transitions des formants et la perception des consonnes
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, (Helsinki, 1961). The Hague: Mouton,
Fry, D. B., Abramson, A. S., Eimas, P. D., & Liberman, A. M. (1962)
The identification and discrimination of synthetic vowels
Language and Speech, Vol. 5 pp. 171-189
Liberman, A. M., Cooper, F. S., Harris, K. S., & MacNeilage, P. F. (1962)
A motor theory of speech perception
Proceedings of the Speech Communication Seminar, Stockholm,
Lisker, L., Cooper, F. S., & Liberman, A. M. (1962)
The uses of experiment in language description
Word, Vol. 18 pp. 82-106
Studdert-Kennedy, M. & Liberman, A. M. (1962)
Psychological considerations in design of auditory displays for reading machines
Proceedings of the International Congress on Technology and Blindness, Vol. 1 pp. 289-304
Kinney, J. A. S. (1961)
Discrimination in auditory and visual patterns
American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 74 pp. 529-541
Liberman, A. M., Harris, K. S., Eimas, P. D., Lisker, L., & Bastian, J. (1961)
An effect of learning on speech perception: The discrimination of durations of silence with and without phonemic significance
Language and Speech, Vol. 4 pp. 175-195
Liberman, A. M., Harris, K. S., Kinney, J. A., & Lane, H. (1961)
The discrimination of relative onset time of the components of certain speech and nonspeech patterns
Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol. 61 pp. 379-388
Lotz, J., Abramson, A. S., Gerstman, L. J., Ingemann, F., & Nemser, W. (1960)
The perception of English stops by speakers of English, Spanish, Hungarian, and Thai: A tape-cutting experiment
Language and Speech, Vol. 3 pp. 71-77