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Liberman, A. M., & Cooper, F. S. (1972)
In search of the acoustic cues
In A. Valdman (Ed.), Papers on linguistics and phonetics in memory of Pierre Delattre, The Hague: Mouton, pp. 329-338
Liberman, A. M., Mattingly, I. G., & Turvey, M. (1972)
Language codes and memory codes
In A. W. Melton & E. Martin (Eds.), Coding processes and human memory, Washington, DC: Winston and Sons, pages 307-334,
Lieberman, P. (1972)
On the evolution of human language
Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, The Hague: Mouton, pp. 258-275
Lieberman, P., Crelin, E. S., & Klatt, D. H. (1972)
Phonetic ability and related anatomy of the newborn and adult human, Neanderthal man, and the chimpanzee
American Anthropologist, Vol. 74 pp. 287-307
Lisker, L. (1972)
Stop duration and voicing in English
Papers on linguistics and phonetics in memory of Pierre Delattre, The Hague: Mouton, pp. 339-343
Lisker, L., & Abramson, A. S. (1972)
Glottal modes in consonant distinctions
Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, The Hague: Mouton, pp. 366-370
Mattingly, I. G. (1972)
Speech cues and sign stimuli
American Scientist, Vol. 60 pp. 327-337
Mattingly, I. G. & Kavanagh, J. F. (1972)
The relationships between speech and reading
The Linguistic Reporter, DHEW Publication, No. NIH 73-475,
Mattingly, I.G. (1972)
Reading, the linguistic process, and linguistic awareness.
In J. F. Kavanaugh and Mattingly, I.G. (Eds.), Language by Ear and by Eye. The Relationship between Speech and Reading, (1972). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA and London, England,
Raphael, L. J. (1972)
Preceding vowel duration as a cue to the perception of the voicing characteristics of word-final consonants in American English
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 51 pp. 1296-1303
Shankweiler, D. & Liberman, I.Y. (1972)
Misreading: A search for causes
Language by ear and by eye; the relationships between speech and reading, In Kavanagh, James F. & Mattingly, Ignatius G.(eds.). Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, pp. 293-317
Studdert-Kennedy, M. & Hadding, K. (1972)
Further experimental studies of fundamental frequency contours
Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, The Hague: Mouton, pp. 1024-1031
Studdert-Kennedy, M., Shankweiler, D., & Pisoni, D. (1972)
Auditory and phonetic processes in speech perception: Evidence from a dichotic study
Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 2 pp. 455-466
Cooper, F. S., Abramson, A. S., Sawashima, M., & Lisker, L. (1971)
Looking at the larynx during running speech
Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, Vol. 80 (678)
Darwin, C. J. (1971)
Ear differences in the recall of fricatives and vowels
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol. 23 pp. 46-62
Darwin, C. J. (1971)
Dichotic backward masking of complex sounds
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol. 23 pp. 386-392
Gay, T. & Harris, K. S. (1971)
Some recent developments in the use of electromyography in speech research
Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol. 14 pp. 241-246
Harris, K. S. (1971)
Children's language development and articulatory breakdown
In D. L.Horton & J. J. Jenkins (Eds.), Perception of Language, pp. 207-215
Hirose, H. (1971)
The activity of the adductor laryngeal muscles in respect to vowel devoicing in Japanese
Phonetica, Vol. 23 pp. 156-170
Lieberman, P. & Crelin, E. S. (1971)
On the speech of Neanderthal Man
Linguistic Inquiry, II, pp. 203-222
Lieberman, P., Harris, K. S., Wolff, P., & Russell, L. H. (1971)
Newborn infant cry and nonhuman primate vocalization
Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol. 14 pp. 719-727
Lisker, L., & Abramson, A. S. (1971)
Distinctive features and laryngeal control
Language, Vol. 47 pp. 767-785
Mattingly, I. G. (1971)
Synthesis by rule as a tool for phonological research
Language and Speech, Vol. 14 pp. 47-56
Mattingly, I. G., Liberman, A. M., Syrdal, A. M., & Halwes, T. (1971)
Discrimination in speech and nonspeech modes
Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 2 pp. 131-157
Shankweiler, D. P. (1971)
Laterality effects in speech perception
In D. L. Horton & J. J. Jenkins (Eds.), Perception of language, Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill, pp. 185-200
Wood, C. C., Goff, W. R.,& Day, R. S. (1971)
Auditory evoked potentials during speech perception
Science, Vol. 173 pp. 1248-1251
Abramson, A. S. & Lisker, L. (1970)
Discriminability along the voicing continuum: Cross language tests
Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague: Academia, pp. 569-573
Abramson, A. S., & Lisker, L. (1970)
Laryngeal behavior, the speech signal and phonological simplicity
Actes du Xe Congres International des Linguistes, Vol. 4 pp. 123-129
Bolt, R. H., Cooper, F. S., David, E. E.Jr., Denes, P. B., Pickett, J. M., & Stevens, K. N. (1970)
Speaker identification by speech spectrograms: A scientists' view of its reliability for legal purposes
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 47 pp. 597-612
Gay, T. (1970)
Effects of filtering and vowel environment on consonant perception
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 48 pp. 993-998
Gay, T. (1970)
A perceptual study of American English diphthongs
Language and Speech, Vol. 13 pp. 65-88
Harris, K. S. (1970)
Physiological measures of speech movements: EMG and fiberoptic studies
ASHA Reports, Vol. 5 pp. 271-282
Liberman, A. M. (1970)
The grammars of speech and language
Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 1 pp. 301-323
Liberman, A. M. (1970)
Some characteristics of perception in the speech mode
Perception and its Disorders, Vol. 48 pp. 238-254
Lieberman, P. (1970)
Towards a unified phonetic theory
Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 1 (2) pp. 307-322
Lieberman, P., Sawashima, M., Harris, K. S., & Gay, T. (1970)
The articulatory implementation of the breath-group and prominence: Crico-thyroid muscular activity in intonation
Language, Vol. 46 pp. 312-327
Lisker, L. (1970)
Supraglottal air pressure in the production of English stops
Language and Speech, Vol. 13 pp. 215-230
Lisker, L., & Abramson, A. S. (1970)
The voicing dimension: Some experiments in comparative phonetics
Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague: Academia, pp. 563-567
Sawashima, M., Abramson, A. S., Cooper, F. S., & Lisker, L. (1970)
Observing laryngeal adjustments during running speech by use of a fiberoptics system
Phonetica, Vol. 22 pp. 193-201
Shelton, R. L., Harris, K. S., Sholes, G. N., & Dooley, P. M. (1970)
Study of nonspeech voluntary palate movements by scaling and electromyographic techniques
In J. F. Bosma (Ed.), Second Symposium on Oral Sensation and Perception, Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, pp. 432-441
Studdert-Kennedy, M., & Shankweiler, D. P. (1970)
Hemispheric specialization for speech perception
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 48 pp. 579-594
Studdert-Kennedy, M., Liberman, A. M., Harris, K. S., & Cooper, F. S. (1970)
Motor theory of speech perception: A reply to Lane's critical review
Psychological Review, Vol. 77 pp. 234-249
Studdert-Kennedy, M., Shankweiler, D., & Schulman, S. (1970)
Opposed effects of a delayed channel on perception of dichotically and monotically presented CV syllables
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 48 pp. 599-602
Bolt, R. H., Cooper, F. S., David, E. E.Jr., Denes, P. B., Pickett, J. M., & Stevens, K. N. (1969)
Identification of a speaker by speech spectrograms
Science, Vol. 166 pp. 338-343
Cooper, F. S., Gaitenby, J. H., Mattingly, I. G., & Umeda, N. (1969)
Reading aids for the blind: A special case of machine-to-man communication
IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, Vol. 17 pp. 266-270
Lieberman, P. (1969)
On the acoustic analysis of primate vocalizations
Behavioral Research, Methods, and Instrumentation, Vol. 1 pp. 169-174
Lieberman, P. H., Klatt, D. H., & Wilson, W. H. (1969)
Vocal tract limitations on the vowel repertoires of rhesus monkey and other nonhuman primates
Science, Vol. 164 pp. 1185-1187
Lieberman, P., Knudson, R., & Mead, J. (1969)
Determination of the rate of change of fundamental frequency with respect to subglottal air pressure during sustained phonation
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 45 pp. 1537-1543
Lisker, L., Abramson, A. S., Cooper, F. S., & Schvey, M. H. (1969)
Transillumination of the larynx in running speech
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 45 pp. 1544-1546
Mattingly, I. G. & Liberman, A. M. (1969)
The speech code and the physiology of language
Information processing in the nervous system, Springer-Verlag,