Also, click HERE to access the Haskins Laboratories Status Report Digital Archive - 1965-1995.
McGowan, R.S. (2006)Perception of synthetic vowel exemplars of 4 year old children and estimation of their corresponding vocal tract shapes
Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 120 (No. 5) pp. 2850-2858
Miller, B., Juhasz, B.J., & Rayner, K. (2006)The orthographic uniqueness point and eye movements during reading
The British Psychological Society,
Nasir, S.M. & Ostry, D.J. (2006)Somatosensory Precision in Speech Production
Current Biology, Vol. 16 pp. 1918-1923
Pubh, K.R., Frost, S.J., Sandak, R., Gillis, M., Moore, D., Jenner, A.R., Mencl, W.E. (2006)What Does Reading Have to Tell Us about Writing?
MacArthur, C.A., Graham, S., Fitzgerald (Eds.), J. Handbook of Writing Research, The Guilford Press, New York, NY, Chapter 29, pp. 433-448
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Developmental Science, Commentaries, Vol. 9 (5) pp. 448-450
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Repp, B.H. (2006)Musical synchronization
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Repp, B.H. (2006)Does an auditory distractor sequence affect self-paced tapping?
Acta Psychologica, Vol. 121 pp. 81-107
Repp, B.H. (2006)Rate Limits of Sensorimotor Synchronization
Advances in Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 2 (No. 2-3) pp. 163-181
Rubin, P. & Sieber, J.E. (2006)Empirical Research on IRBs and Methodologies Usually Associated with Minimal Risk
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, Vol. 1 (No. 4) pp. 1-4
Terry, N.P. (2006)Relations between dialect variation, grammar, and early spelling skills
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Thomson, J.J., Elgin, C., Hyman, D.A., Rubin, P.E., & Knight. J. (2006)Report: Research on Human Subjects: Academic Freedom and the Institutional Review Board
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Tremblay, P. & Gracco, V.L. (2006)Contribution of the frontal lobe to externally and internally specified verbal responses: fMRI evidence
NeuroImage, Vol. 33 pp. 947-957
Turvey, M.T. & Moreno, M.A. (2006)Physical metaphors for the mental lexicon
The Mental Lexicon, Vol. 1
Van Dyke, J.A., & McElree, B. (2006)Retrieval interference in sentence comprehension
Journal of Memory and Language, Vol. 55 pp. 157-166
Whalen, D.W., Benson, R.R., Richardson, M., Swainson, B., Clark, V.P., Lai, S., Mencl., W.E., Fulbright, R.K., Constable, R.T., & Liberman, A.M. (2006)Differentiation of speech and nonspeech processing within primary auditory cortex
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 119 (No. 1) pp. 575-581
Brancazio, L. & Miller, J.L. (2005)Use of visual information in speech perception: Evidence for a visual rate effect both with and without a McGurk effect
Perception & Psychophysics, Vol. 67 (No. 5) pp. 759-769
Carello, C., Wagman, J.B., & Turvey, M. T. (2005)Acoustic Specifiction of Object Properties
Moving Theory Ecological Considerations, pp. 79-104
Deutsch, A., Frost, R., Pollatsek, A., & Rayner, K. (2005)Morphological parafoveal preview benefit effects in reading: Evidence from Hebrew
Language and Cognitive Processes, Vol. 20 pp. 341-371
Fowler, C.A. (2005)Parsing coarticulated speech in perception: effects of coarticulation resistance
Journal of Phonetics, Vol. 33 pp. 199-213
Fowler, C.A., & Galantucci, B. (2005)The Relation of Speech Perception and Speech Production
The Handbook of Speech Perception, Blackwell Publisher, pp. 633-652
Frost, R., Grainger, J., & Rastle, K. (2005)Current issues in morphological processing: An introduction
Language and Cognitive Processes, Vol. 20 pp. 1-5
Frost, R., Kugler, T., Deutsch, A., & Forster, K.I. (2005)Orthographic Structure Versus Morphological Structure: Principles of Lexical Organization in a Griven Language
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition,
Frost, S.J., Mencl, W.E., Sandak, R., Moore, D., Rueckl, J., Katz, L., Fulbright, R., & Pugh, K.R. (2005)A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of the tradeoff between semantics and phonology in reading aloud
Brain Imaging, Vol. 16 pp. 621-624
Frost, S.J., Mencl, W.E., Sandak, R., Moore, D.L., Rueckl, J.G., Katz, L., Fulbright, R.K. Pugh, K.R. (2005)A functional magnetci resonance imaging study of the tradeoff between semantics and phonology in reading aloud
Brain Imaging, Vol. 16 (6) pp. 621-624
Galantucci, B. (2005)An Experimental Study of the Emergence of Human Communication Systems
Cognitive Science, Vol. 29 pp. 737-767
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Gick, B., Bird, S., & Wilson, I. (2005)Techniques for field application of lingual ultrasound imaging
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, Vol. 19 (6/7) pp. 503-514
Gracco, V.L., Tremblay, P., & Pike, B. (2005)Imaging speech production using fMRI
NeuroImage, Vol. 26 pp. 294-301
Hindson, B., Byrne, B., Fielding-Barnsley, R., Newman, C., Hine, D.W., & Shankweiler, D. (2005)Assessment and Early Instruction of Preschool Children at Rick for Reading Disability
Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 97 (No. 4) pp. 687-704
Honorof, D.N. & Whalen, D.H. (2005)Perception of pitch location within a speaker's FO range
Journal of Accoustical Society of America, Vol. 117 (4) pp. 2193-2200
Iskarous, K. (2005)Detecting the edge of the tongue: A tutorial
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, Vol. 19 (6/7) pp. 555-565
Katz, L., Lee, C.H., Tabor, W., Frost, S.J., Mencl, W.E., Sandak, R., Rueckl, J. & Pugh, K.R. (2005)Behavioral and neurobiological effects of printed word repetition in lexical decision and naming
Keller, P.E., & Repp, B.H. (2005)Staying offbeat: Sensorimotor syncopation with structured and unstructured auditory sequences
Psychological Research, Vol. 69 pp. 292-309
Koenig, L.L., Mencl, W.E., & Lucero, J.C. (2005)Multidimensional analyses of voicing offsets and onsets in female speakers
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 118 (4) pp. 2535-2550
Lee. C.H., Nam, K., & Katz, L. (2005)Nonselective access of spelling-sound knowledge for Korean-English bilinguals
International Journal of Psychology,
Levy, E.T., & Fowler, C. A. (2005)How Autistic Children May Use Narrative Discourse to Scaffold Coherent Interpretations of Events: A Case Study
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Lillo-Martin, D. & Muller de Quadros, R. (2005)The Acquisition of Focus Constructions in American Sign Language and Lingua de Sinais Brasileira
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Liu, F., & Xu, Y. (2005)Parallel Encoding of Focus and Interrogative meaning in Mandarin Intonation
Lofqvist, A (2005)Lip kinematics in long and short stop and fricative consonants
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 117 (2) pp. 858-878
Lucero, J.C. & Koenig, L.L. (2005)Simulations of temporal patterns of oral airflow in mem and women using a two-mass model of the vocal folds under dynamic control
Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 117 (3) pp. 1362-1372
Lucero, J.C. & Koenig, L.L. (2005)Phonation thresholds as a function of laryngeal size in a two-mass model of the vocal folds (L)
Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 118 (No. 5) pp. 2798-2801
Lucero, J.C. & Lofqvist, A. (2005)Measures of articulatory variability in VCV sequences
Acoustical Society of America, pp. 80-84
Magnuson, J.S. (2005)Moving hand reveals dynamics of thought
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 102 (No. 29) pp. 9995-9996
Malfait, N., Gribble, P.L. & Ostry, D.J. (2005)Generalization of Motor Learning Based on Multiple Field Exposures and Local Adaptation
The Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol. 93 pp. 3327-3338
Patel, A.D., Iversen, J.R., Chen, Y., & Repp, B.H. (2005)The Influence of metricality and modality on synchronization with a beat
Exp Brain Res, Vol. 163 pp. 226-238
Pouplier, M. & Goldstein, L. (2005)Asymmetries in the perception of speech producation errors
Journal of Phonetics, Vol. 33 pp. 47-75