Michael Studdert-Kennedy

In Memoriam 1927-2017—Michael Studdert-Kennedy (MSK). Haskins Laboratories President Emeritus passed away on January 9. Michael was born in Worcester, England obtaining a B.A. in Classics (Greek and Latin literature, Greek archaeology) at Cambridge University and a PhD in Experimental Psychology from Columbia University. MSK was a brilliant scientist and scholar, and a major contributor to the Haskins research and theoretical mission, as a research scientist (1961-1984), Vice President of Research (1984-1986) and President and Director of Research (1986-1992). He was also Chairman of the Board of the Haskins Laboratories from 1988 until 2001 and a member of the Board of Directors from 2006 until 2010. MSK is well known for his contributions to studies of speech perception, the motor theory of speech perception, and the evolution of language, among other areas. He was a Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Connecticut and a Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at Yale University. He was a generous mentor, a dedicated scientist and a role model who leaves a legacy of admiration and appreciation. He will be missed.
A Memorial for Michael Student-Kennedy will be held on Saturday, January 21 from 3 - 6 PM in the Sulzberger Parlor on the campus of Barnard College, Columbia University in New York.
Sulzberger Parlor is located on the 3rd Floor of Barnard Hall at Broadway and 117th Street. The map (attached) has a star overlaid on Barnard Hall.
Please RSVP to Robert Remez: remez@columbia.edu