Haskins Laboratories Eye Tracking Workshop
Location: Haskins Laboratories, 300 George Street, New Haven CT, USA
Dates: June 19, 21, 23, 2017
Presenter: Dave Braze
Download June 19 Slide Presentations
Download June 21 Slide Presentations
Download June 23 Slide Presentations
This workshop will provide an introduction to post-acquisition data workflows involving eye movement data. The emphasis will be on data recorded with Eyelink eye trackers. The workshop is divided into three sessions, each to last from 1 to 1.5 hours. The first session (June 21) will talk about options that should be set before data is collected to ensure that data files contain all desired information to facilitate analysis. Session 2 (June 21) will give an overview of working with data files using the SRR provided utility, Data Viewer. We will touch on data visualization, screening for data quality, and exporting data reports for further analysis. Session 3 (June 23) focuses on using R and the FDBeye R package to automate much of the work that must be done manually in Data Viewer. Time permitting, we may cover some issues in the statistical analysis of eye movement data for reading or visual world paradigms.
Monday, June 19: Intro to Data files
1. making sure your Experiment Builder (EB) script includes everything you want in its output files.
2. EDF files: Conversion to ASC files, structure of ASC files, using regexp to extract data from ASC files.
3. Ancillary Files created by EB: log files, stimulus images.
Wednesday, June 21: Working with Data Viewer
1. Opening EDF files, visualizing data, screening for data quality
2. Interest Areas FDBeye
3. Creating Reports with Data Viewer: Fixation reports, sample reports, interest area reports
Friday, June 23: Working with ET data in R (packages FDBeye, ggplot2, etc.)
1. Reading ASC files
2. Visualizing data using ggplot2
3. Data screening
4. Creating reports with FDBeye: Fixation reports, sample reports, interest area reports